This is the blog of the artist Anna Puhakka. The purpose of this blog is to document and interrogate the processes I am using in my work. I have a multidisciplinary approach to making my art and I explore my relationship to identity, religion, ritual and the balance of power often through my Karelian heritage. My practice incorporates an array of mediums such as installation, photography, sound, performance, video and text.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Moving on
So the exhibition is up and running. Thank goodness, i am exhausted!
There is so much i wish i would still have had time to do, so much i wish i would have been able to portray. I feel like working at the gallery as well as making an exhibition in it clouded my view of the space and if i could start again i would organize the layout in an almost opposite order to what it is now. There is a definite upside to viewing a space through clear objective eyes.
I can't say that i am disappointed, but neither am i fully happy with it either: the work or my own energy to make it. I feel tired and like this project has now come to its inevitable end. I feel like looking at things through new enlightened angles, making work about new subjects. Subjects that are much lighter and brighter something that will balance this sorrow i feel.
I also
feel like some introspection is in order and figuring out what to do
and what to explore next is still floating at the periphery
of my mind. It needs time, i need time. I want more time! In this
spirit i have decided that in 2013 i will not be making any big solo
I am
also conflicted about if i should say that this is my exhibition when
people come in while i'm working. I am not easily recognized
in any of the work so it is easy to pretend it is not me. I am hoping
to get some honest feed back this way but it also feels a bit crooked
in my mind.
Yesterday was my first day working and invigilating the exhibition, it is quite quiet with all the holidays and i hope that this work will get people in to view it and possibly get some coverage through the media. It feels very odd. That much i can say for sure but at least there have been people.
What i
have learned from this experience is that next time i will make sure
to better factor in the set-up time allowances.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Posters and printers
is nothing quite like having a Printers you can trust and who can
deliver quality work at a reasonable cost and on short notice. So
here it is the poster for the upcoming exhibition. I ended up
photoshopping two images to reflect the mood of the exhibition as I
wont be able to photograph the final piece until it is actually set
up in the space. For all their hard work I would like to thank Juris
and all the team at Printmix
and the brilliant Mr.
ThierryFrançois for putting image and text together in such a pleasing
The work
is coming together and even though it still gives me heart
palpitations just to think about getting it all done, I am no longer feeling
helpless and hopeless.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Last before winter
been at the summer house for the final time this year. I needed time
to consider the exhibition at Jangva in depth without any
distractions and to make some new work. The weather has turned
towards winter and last night as I was taking some pictures of the
night skies, i could hear the grass crunch under my feet.
The stop
motion animation of the night skies, i was intending to make in to a
planetarium for the exhibition, has not worked out. The reasons are
twofold: The first being the quality of my camera, which is not on
its own good enough to capture all that i had hoped for. The second
being my fears of the wild. After having heard wolves howling the
past few nights i was on guard and tonight while photographing i
could hear the howls, then steps and then the breath of the creature.
As much as I was humbled by the experience, my nerves were shot and
my fear of the gleaming eyes surrounding me gave cause to admit
defeat. I would like to say I had more courage, but it would have
been a fools courage. Apparently there are limits to what i will do
for art. I would like to make this animation a reality one day and i
hope to borrow a telescope that connects to my camera: go out and
take the images during the dark winter nights preferably with a few
friends to keep me company.
I have
however had some success during the days, taking photographs and
making more stop motion animations of the skies. There has been cloud
cover throughout my stay, which only lifted on saturday to give new
color to the sleepy landscape. I am particularly happy with my
photographs of the river, which glower and glow with a passionate
funny thing is that I am not at all certain if any of the work i have
made this visit will be in the exhibition, but in creating it i have
had the chance to ponder what i want this exhibition to be. The
previously described colours
in my photographs are the mood i wish to create. The ever moving
skies and clouds remind me of the fast paced life i want to contrast
with the more mythical aspects of my work. Soundscapes of the cold of
winter contradicted by the warmth of a sauna, the wind sounding like
a crowd at a railway station. These thoughts
keep me occupied, as does the immense
amount of editing i have ahead of me.
I do not
feel calm about the exhibition. I am not even sure I feel hopeful.
All I know is that I have to figure out which image I will use for
the press release, the invites and the posters. These few days were
meant to supply it, but I am still at a loss. I might end up using
“the wake” even though i've been told by the gallery that the
image is so disturbing that it will not be published by the
newspapers. I know it is a strong image and i know it has impact,
though i personally don't see the menace others have alluded to. I
still have a few days to ponder this conundrum before i have to send
things off to print. As for the press images they must be sent off on
monday. Perhaps this train ride will give me the answers. It is
impossible for me to create an image of the installation and the
sound, so no matter what the final choice it will be slightly
misleading. I wonder about the ethics of using an image that will not
be featured in the show.
I still
have a long way to go to get this show on the metaphorical road. I
know more or less what the main gallery space will have and what the
studio space will hold – the small area between is still a mystery.
the upcoming week I want to sort out all the images and video from
this trip.
I will also decide where i am getting the materials for the
installation, as well as when and how they will be delivered and see
how big of a dent it will make on my finances. So far I am doing ok
on that front with the exhibition rent already paid leaving the rest
of my money to go towards the work itself. Some people go on holiday
to Greece,
I it seems buy materials to create a work which in most probability
will never sell.
Monday, 8 October 2012
so underneath are the press releases for my exhibition at Jangva, one in finnish the other in english.
image underneath is from the trip Thierry and I took to Lapland this
summer. The image was taken in Norway and has nothing to do with the
upcoming exhibition as such, but I think it does hold some of the
same mystery and themes as i am exploring at the moment.
Yes, I Know Your Birth
Installation, video, photography
13.12. – 7.01.2013
Yes, I Know Your Birth
Installation, video, photography
13.12. – 7.01.2013
Wednesday December 12th
2012 18:00 – 20:00
Puhakka's Yes,
I Know your Birth exhibition,
at Gallery Jangva this December, is the culmination of two years of
work for Puhakka and a followup to her July exhibition From
Karelia Now and Before1.
questions “Who am I?” and “Where are we headed?” are core
themes in Anna Puhakka's exhibition Yes,
I Know Your Birth.
this exhibition Puhakka recreates her prehistory balancing it with
reflections on the cosmopolitan condition, treating her existential
crisis as a person who has never properly belonged anywhere. In her
art she returns to her ancestral roots and uses them to ponder her
role in the modern world.
the past two years Puhakka has been researching ancient Karelian
folklore and creating ways to explore its existence in today’s
society through rituals, stories, music and customs; bringing it to
the present day through the use of media and installation art. She
has a multidisciplinary approach to making work and her artistic
practice incorporates an array of mediums such as installation,
photography, sound, performance, video and text.
the course of this project Puhakka has created sound installations,
video works, numerous performative and photographic images, countless
texts and a collaborative art project with photographer Eva-Liisa
Orupöld “Won't Carry Alone For Fun”2.
artwork “Birth Words” was introduced at a conference in Portugal
called Borders
and Borderland. Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Prospects as
a part of Tuulikki Kurki's presentation
Poetry of the Two Karelias.
Her sound work “Lament” was featured on the Nowhereisland radio
station as part of the Cultural Olympiad project Nowhereisland and
two video pieces were shown at the PNEM Sound Art Festival 17/18 of
November 2012 in Uden, The Netherlands.
(b.1983, Tampere, Finland) has lived over half her life abroad: in
the United States, Australia, France and England. She graduated from
Sunderland University in 2007 and has been an internationally
practicing artist ever since. Puhakka is also the curator and
editor-in-chief of the monthly creative art magazine, HESA inprint.
Currently Puhakka lives and works in Helsinki.
would like to thank the Finnish Lament Singers (Äänellä Itkijät)
for all their support.
Karelia Now and Before, 1-31.7.2012, Louhitalo, Eno
Carry Alone For Fun:
with the Eno school class 7A and Kotiranta retirement home, part of
the exhibition From
Karelia Now and Before.
tunnen syntymäsi
video, valokuvia
– 7.01.2013
keskiviikkona 12.12.2012 18:00–20.00
Puhakan Kyllä,
tunnen syntymäsi
-näyttely Galleria Jangvassa tämän vuoden joulukuussa on kahden
vuoden työn huipentuma ja seuraus viime heinäkuun näyttelylle
nyt ja ennen.1
minä olen? ja Mihin olemme matkalla? ovat pääaiheita, joihin
tunnen syntymäsi
-näyttely pyrkii vastaamaan. Tämän näyttelyn avulla Puhakka luo
uudelleen oman esihistoriansa ja tasapainottaa sen ottamalla kantaa
kosmopoliittiseen tilaan, sekä kommentoi samalla omaa
eksistentiaalista kriisiään henkilönä, joka ei koskaan ole
kunnolla kuulunut mihinkään. Taiteessaan Puhakka palaa esi-isiensä
juurille ja käyttää niitä miettiessään rooliaan nykymaailmassa.
viime vuoden ajan Puhakka on tutkinut vanhaa karjalaista
kansanperinnettä ja luonut keinoja tutkia sen olemassaoloa
nyky-yhteiskunnassa rituaalien, tarinoiden, musiikin ja tapojen
avulla; hän tuo sen nykypäivään käyttäen installaatio- ja
mediataidetta. Puhakalla on poikkitaiteellinen lähestymistapa
työhönsä ja hänen työnsä sisältää laajasti eri taiteen
lajeja, kuten installaatiota, valokuvia, ääntä, performanssia,
videota ja tekstiä.
projektin aikana Puhakka on luonut ääni-installaatioita,
videoteoksia, useita performatiivisia valokuvia, lukemattomia
tekstejä sekä Ei
huvikseen kantele yksin
yhteistyössä valokuvaaja Eva-Liisa Orupöldin kanssa. Hänen
taiteellinen työnsä, ”Syntysanat”,
esiteltiin Portugalin
Borders and Borderland: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Prospects
osana Tuulikki Kurjen presentaatiota, jonka nimi oli Kahden
Karjalan runous.
Hänen äänityönsä ”Itkuvirsi ukille” kuultiin Nowhereisland
-radiokanavalla osana Kulttuuriolympialaisten projekti
Nowhereislandia, ja kaksi videotyötä esitetään PNEM Sound Art
Festivaalilla 17.–18. marraskuuta 2012 Hollannin Udenissa.
(s.1983, Tampere, Suomi) on elänyt puolet elämästään ulkomailla:
Yhdysvalloissa, Australiassa, Ranskassa ja Englannissa. Hän
valmistui Sunderlandin yliopistosta vuonna 2007 ja on toiminut
kansainvälisenä taiteilijana siitä lähtien. Puhakka myös kuratoi
ja toimii kuukausittain ilmestyvän luovan taidelehden, HESA
inprintin päätoimittajana. Nykyään Puhakka asuu ja työskentelee
haluaa kiittää Äänellä Itkijöitä heidän tuestaan.
Karjalasta Nyt ja Ennen, 1-31.7.2012, Louhitalo, Eno
huvikseen kantele yksin: Yhteistyössä
Enon koulun 7A-luokan ja Palvelutalo Kotirannan kanssa, osana
Karjalasta Nyt ja Ennen -näyttelyä.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Recap of what has happened and what is yet to come
it begins again, that allusive game of cat and mouse to find an idea
i can feel looming at the back of my mind, somewhere in
my subconscious. I
can feel it clawing its way towards the surface – it is time, it
will come. The fear that the idea will not surface in time is always
there, a dreadful silence, yet I can hear the calling like a dare. I
love this, it is like trying to solve a puzzle that i have already
solved but lost.
is exactly 11 weeks and one day until my exhibition Yes, I
Know Your Birth opens at Gallery Jangva on December
12th 2012. This exhibition will be the culmination of
two years of work, in which I have been actively researching ancient
Karelian folklore and creating new ways to explore its existence in
todays society through rituals, stories, music and customs.
this project I have used forms of media art to explore new ways of
creating art. I have learned new skills like soldering and creating a
14:2 surround sound system. Both which are very useful skills and
both of which were taught to me by the fabulous Thierry
Francois aka COLYMBA who has also designed my website, logo
and countless other things throughout the years.
the course of this project I have created several sound
installations, about 7 video works, numerous performative
and photographic
imagery, countless texts and a collaborative art project
with Eva-LiisaOrupöld: Won't
Carry Alone For Fun made
with the Eno school class 7A and Kotiranta retirement home, which was
shown as a part of my June Exhibition From
Karelia Now and Before in
Eastern Finland.
artwork “Birth Words” was also introduced at a conference in
Portugal called Borders and Borderland. Today’sChallenges, Tomorrow’s Prospects. as
a part of Tuulikki Kurki's presentation Poetryof
the Two Karelias. My
sound artwork “Lament” was featured on the Nowhereisland
radio station, part of the Cultural Olympiad
project Nowhereisland.
My art has been included in both Art
Fair Suomi 2012 and The
Manchester Contemporary 2012 art fair. Also I am happy to
announce that PAPER,
a Manchester based gallery, which represents me sell some of my
prints and postcards. There are also a few of my video pieces being
shown at the PNEMSound
Art Festival 17/18 of November in Uden, The Netherlands.
has been a very exciting ride so far and there are still
more ideas, which have yet to be made a reality. I am
currently finalizing the press release for the exhibition
at Jangva and planning the actual outlook of the exhibition as well.
I want to go to the summer house again next month and create a new
work, which will hopefully end up being the video for a small
planetarium that will be built within the gallery. So much to do –
So much i can't wait to do.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Some new work and a few thought on old work
alway find it a challenge to talk coherently about current work, work
in progress and even older work. It is possibly because they are so
close to me and often instinctual in their messages and creation. In
this post I want to talk about the my current exhibition From Karelia
Now and Before.
Balancing Tango from Anna Puhakka on
exhibition finishes this coming tuesday, I am happy i came to
invigilate the last few days as it has given me a chance to be in
direct contact with the viewers. Able to answer questions and to hear
their stories. In many cases hear their own personal views and
feelings about being a Karelian. I have experience a closeness and
openness with these people that is truly refreshing after many jaded
years of wondering why am i doing what i do and if it is important.
Today i have received 3 hugs from exhibition viewers i have never met
before. They have thanked me for their experience, given me a feeling
of purpose. I feel truly grateful to them for this. Yesterday I was
asked to take part in a viewers research on Karelians from both sides
of the border Writing
Cultures and Traditions at Borders to
give it a current visual context. She is coming tomorrow to interview
me and discuss the visual representations of “my Karelia”. I
will write more on this after the event. This is the link to her work
research website
The exhibition has been well received i have had four positive reviews. In a way i feel as though i am already moving towards the next thing and am having a hard time being excited about this ending show and the works in it. They have already changed in to the past for me and I itch to get started on the next thing.
videos in this post are new works. They are small performative video
pieces the first two have been made at the summer house and using the
same props. In them I was looking at the relationship between nature
and prayer. The third video is a bit of a mad moment work where I am
at the way women are portrayed in films and other media, this short
video plays with notion of serious content versus the tabloid. It is
both funny and sad with the eerily sung "i edited the video"
trying to give its subject some control of the situation.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
The English Press Release - Finally!
Karelia Now and Before
and sound installation
opening Saturday, April 30th 2012, 2 pm – 4 pm
questions Who
am I?
and Where
do I come from? are
the main themes in Anna Puhakka's exhibition From
Karelia Now and Before.
In this exhibition Puhakka is exploring her relationship with and
obsession towards her ancestors’ homeland Karelia. As a
cosmopolitan artist, who has lived over half her life abroad, Puhakka
returns to her ancestral roots through her art; to the world where
she learned to swim, to know the secrets of the forest and to believe
in the power of spells, words and nature.
the exhibition Puhakka recreates her prehistory, treating her
existential crisis as a person who has never properly belonged
anywhere. In her work Puhakka becomes a high-priestess who controls
the Birth Words of souls, grows a forest and speaks with the voices
of the ancients. By combining traditional Karelian folklore and
into a new imaginary world, Puhakka whispers in and answers to the
wind with the questions: Who am I? Where do I come from?
Karelia Now and Before
is part of a larger research project Yes,
I know your Birth,
where Puhakka researches ancient Karelian folklore and creates varied
ways to explore its existence in today’s society through rituals,
stories, music and customs; bringing it to the present day through
the use of media art.
of the exhibition consists of a collaborative artwork made with local
residents. In this project the participants interpret what being a
modern Karelian means to them through writing and photography.
Project collaborators are the Eno School class 7A and the residents
of the Kotiranta retirement
The project has been led by Anna Puhakka and Eva-Liisa Orupöld.
(b.1983, Tampere) has lived in Finland, the United States, Australia,
France and England. She graduated from Sunderland University in 2007
and has been an internationally practicing artist ever since. Puhakka
is also the curator and editor-in-chief of the monthly creative art
magazine, HESA inprint. Currently Puhakka lives and works in
would like to thank the Äänellä Itkijät association for all their
Anna Puhakka
+358 (0) 40 542 9934
Puhakka and Eva-Liisa Orupõld
Eno school class 7A and Kotiranta retirement home
Carry Alone for Fun
is a collaborative artwork that is part of the exhibition From
Karelia Now and Before
being held at Louhitalo in July 2012. The purpose of the project was
to create an artwork where, through the use of text and photography,
the locals could explore identity, the meaning of objects and what it
is to be a modern Karelian. During the project the participants were
asked to complete a task where they chose objects that are important
to them and described them creatively.
participants then brought their objects and texts along to a one-day
workshop held in Eno on the 24th
of May 2012. During the workshops the objects were exchanged,
then in groups the participants thought of possible connections the
objects had to each other; stories were told. Then the participants
shared their memories of the objects and chose a word that could
connect them, something which described their similarities.
this their chosen connector-words were visually interpreted by
photographing both the objects and participants. The content of the
work Won't
Carry Alone for Fun
has been compiled from the photographs and texts made by the
participants. During the workshop the participants learned to work
with people of different ages and got to know each other.
hanging and compiling of the artwork was done by the workshop leaders
Eva-Liisa Orupöld and Anna Puhakka.
artwork and exhibition opening takes place on Saturday the 30th of
June from 2 pm to 4 pm at Louhitalo, Heintie
16, 81200 Eno,
exhibition is open 1.-31.7.2012 , from Monday to Sunday between 12 pm
and 5 pm.
details for the workshop leaders:
(0) 40 542 9934
(0) 44 333 5806
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Getting ready for the sound installation
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Press Release in Finnish for exhibition
nyt ja ennen
lauantaina 30.6.2012 14.00-16.00
kuka olen ja mistä tulen ovat Anna Puhakan “Karjalasta
nyt ja ennen” -näyttelyn
pääaiheina. Näyttelyssä Puhakka tutkii omaa suhdettaan ja
pakkomiellettään kohti esi-isiensä kotipaikkaa, Karjalaa.
Nykyaikaisena maailmankansalaisena, joka on asunut yli puolet
elämästään ulkomailla, Puhakka palaa töissään sukunsa juurille
Karjalaan, maailmaan, jossa hän on oppi uimaan, tuntemaan metsän
salat ja uskomaan loitsun, sanan ja luonnon voimaan.
kautta Puhakka luo esihistoriansa uudelleen, korjaillen omaa
eksistentiaalista kriisiään ihmisenä, joka ei ole koskaan kuulunut
kunnolla mihinkään. Teoksissaan Puhakka muuntautuu ylipapittareksi,
joka hallitsee sielujen syntysanoja, kasvattaa metsän ja puhuu
muinaisten äänillä. Kietoen ja muovaillen perinteisen karjalaisen
kansanuskon uuteen kuvitteelliseen maailmaan, Puhakka kuiskaa ja
vastaa tuuleen kysymyksillä: Kuka olen? Mistä tulen?
nyt ja ennen” -näyttely on osa Anna Puhakan suurempaa
tutkimustyötä nimeltään Kyllä
Tunnen Syntymäsi,
jossa hän tutkii muinaista karjalaista kansanuskoa ja kehittää
erilaisia tapoja ja menetelmiä tutkia sen näkyvyyttä nykypäivässä:
rituaaleina, tarinoina, musiikkina ja perinteenä, tuoden sen
nykypäivään mediataiteen avulla.
näyttelyä on myös paikallisten kanssa toteutettu taideteos Ei
huvikseen kantele yksin,
jossa he tulkitsevat valokuvan ja kirjoituksen kautta
nykykarjalaisuuttaan. Projektissa ovat olleet mukana Enon koulun 7A
luokan oppilaat sekä Palvelutalo Kotirannan asukkaita. Ohjaajina
ovat toimineet Anna Puhakka ja Eva-Liisa Orupõld.
(s.1983 Tampere) on elämänsä aikana asunut Suomessa,
Yhdysvalloissa, Australiassa, Ranskassa ja Englannissa. Hän
valmistui Sunderlandin Ylipistosta 2007 ja on työskennellyt siitä
lähtien taiteilijana kansainvälisesti. Puhakka on myös
kuukausittain ilmestyvän HESA inprint luovan taidelehden
päätoimittaja ja kurattori. Tällä hetkellä Puhakka asuu ja
työskentelee Helsingissä.
Äänellä Itkijät ry:lle.
Anna Puhakka
Puhakka ja Eva-Liisa Orupõld
Enon koulu 7A luokka ja Palvelutalo Kotiranta
huvikseen kantele yksin
on osa
heinäkuussa Louhitalossa avautuvaa näyttelyä, Karjalasta
nyt ja ennen.
Sen tarkoituksena on ollut luoda taideteos, jossa paikalliset ovat
tulkinneet valokuvan
ja kirjoituksen kautta nykykarjalaisuuttaan, identiteettiä ja
tavaroiden merkitystä. Projektin aikana osallistujia pyydettiin
ennakkotehtävässä esittelemään esineitä, jotka ovat heille
tärkeitä ja kuvailemaan näitä luovasti.
osallistujat toivat mukanaan ennakkotehtävänsä ja niissä
käyttämänsä esineet. Esineet vaihtoivat tilapäisesti omistajia
ja ryhmissä pohdittiin yhtäläisyyksiä sekä kerrottiin tarinoita.
Osallistujat jakoivat muistojaan esineistä ja valitsivat sanoja
yhdistäessään esineitä toisiinsa, jotka kuvailevat niiden
jälkeen osallistujista ja esineistä otettiin valokuvia, joissa
tulkittiin niihin liittyviä tekstejä visuaalisesti. Kirjoituksista,
valokuvista ja työpajan aikana tehdyistä piirroksista on koottu
taideteoksen Ei
huvikseen kanna yksin
sisältö. Työpajan aikana osallistujat tutustuivat eri sukupolviin
ja oppivat tuntemaan toisiaan.
kokoamisen ja ripustamisen ovat hoitaneet ohjaajat Eva-Liisa Orupöld
ja Anna Puhakka.
ja näyttelyn avajaiset ovat lauantaina
30.6.2012 klo 14.00–16.00 Louhitalossa, Heintie 16, 81200 Eno,
on avoinna 1-31.7.2012 ma-su 12-17
(0) 40 542 9934
(0) 44 333 5806
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