Sunday, 21 October 2012

Last before winter

I've been at the summer house for the final time this year. I needed time to consider the exhibition at Jangva in depth without any distractions and to make some new work. The weather has turned towards winter and last night as I was taking some pictures of the night skies, i could hear the grass crunch under my feet.

The stop motion animation of the night skies, i was intending to make in to a planetarium for the exhibition, has not worked out. The reasons are twofold: The first being the quality of my camera, which is not on its own good enough to capture all that i had hoped for. The second being my fears of the wild. After having heard wolves howling the past few nights i was on guard and tonight while photographing i could hear the howls, then steps and then the breath of the creature. As much as I was humbled by the experience, my nerves were shot and my fear of the gleaming eyes surrounding me gave cause to admit defeat. I would like to say I had more courage, but it would have been a fools courage. Apparently there are limits to what i will do for art. I would like to make this animation a reality one day and i hope to borrow a telescope that connects to my camera: go out and take the images during the dark winter nights preferably with a few friends to keep me company.

I have however had some success during the days, taking photographs and making more stop motion animations of the skies. There has been cloud cover throughout my stay, which only lifted on saturday to give new color to the sleepy landscape. I am particularly happy with my photographs of the river, which glower and glow with a passionate palate.
The funny thing is that I am not at all certain if any of the work i have made this visit will be in the exhibition, but in creating it i have had the chance to ponder what i want this exhibition to be. The previously described colours in my photographs are the mood i wish to create. The ever moving skies and clouds remind me of the fast paced life i want to contrast with the more mythical aspects of my work. Soundscapes of the cold of winter contradicted by the warmth of a sauna, the wind sounding like a crowd at a railway station. These thoughts keep me occupied, as does the immense amount of editing i have ahead of me.

I do not feel calm about the exhibition. I am not even sure I feel hopeful. All I know is that I have to figure out which image I will use for the press release, the invites and the posters. These few days were meant to supply it, but I am still at a loss. I might end up using “the wake” even though i've been told by the gallery that the image is so disturbing that it will not be published by the newspapers. I know it is a strong image and i know it has impact, though i personally don't see the menace others have alluded to. I still have a few days to ponder this conundrum before i have to send things off to print. As for the press images they must be sent off on monday. Perhaps this train ride will give me the answers. It is impossible for me to create an image of the installation and the sound, so no matter what the final choice it will be slightly misleading. I wonder about the ethics of using an image that will not be featured in the show.

I still have a long way to go to get this show on the metaphorical road. I know more or less what the main gallery space will have and what the studio space will hold – the small area between is still a mystery.
During the upcoming week I want to sort out all the images and video from this trip. I will also decide where i am getting the materials for the installation, as well as when and how they will be delivered and see how big of a dent it will make on my finances. So far I am doing ok on that front with the exhibition rent already paid leaving the rest of my money to go towards the work itself. Some people go on holiday to Greece, I it seems buy materials to create a work which in most probability will never sell.

Monday, 8 October 2012


Ok so underneath are the press releases for my exhibition at Jangva, one in finnish the other in english.
The image underneath is from the trip Thierry and I took to Lapland this summer. The image was taken in Norway and has nothing to do with the upcoming exhibition as such, but I think it does hold some of the same mystery and themes as i am exploring at the moment.


Yes, I Know Your Birth
Installation, video, photography
13.12. – 7.01.2013
Preview: Wednesday December 12th 2012 18:00 – 20:00

Anna Puhakka's Yes, I Know your Birth exhibition, at Gallery Jangva this December, is the culmination of two years of work for Puhakka and a followup to her July exhibition From Karelia Now and Before1.

The questions “Who am I?” and “Where are we headed?” are core themes in Anna Puhakka's exhibition Yes, I Know Your Birth. Through this exhibition Puhakka recreates her prehistory balancing it with reflections on the cosmopolitan condition, treating her existential crisis as a person who has never properly belonged anywhere. In her art she returns to her ancestral roots and uses them to ponder her role in the modern world.

Over the past two years Puhakka has been researching ancient Karelian folklore and creating ways to explore its existence in today’s society through rituals, stories, music and customs; bringing it to the present day through the use of media and installation art. She has a multidisciplinary approach to making work and her artistic practice incorporates an array of mediums such as installation, photography, sound, performance, video and text.

During the course of this project Puhakka has created sound installations, video works, numerous performative and photographic images, countless texts and a collaborative art project with photographer Eva-Liisa Orupöld “Won't Carry Alone For Fun”2. Her artwork “Birth Words” was introduced at a conference in Portugal called Borders and Borderland. Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Prospects as a part of Tuulikki Kurki's presentation Poetry of the Two Karelias. Her sound work “Lament” was featured on the Nowhereisland radio station as part of the Cultural Olympiad project Nowhereisland and two video pieces were shown at the PNEM Sound Art Festival 17/18 of November 2012 in Uden, The Netherlands.

Puhakka (b.1983, Tampere, Finland) has lived over half her life abroad: in the United States, Australia, France and England. She graduated from Sunderland University in 2007 and has been an internationally practicing artist ever since. Puhakka is also the curator and editor-in-chief of the monthly creative art magazine, HESA inprint. Currently Puhakka lives and works in Helsinki.
Anna would like to thank the Finnish Lament Singers (Äänellä Itkijät) for all their support.

Anna Puhakka
1From Karelia Now and Before, 1-31.7.2012, Louhitalo, Eno
2Won't Carry Alone For Fun: collaboration with the Eno school class 7A and Kotiranta retirement home, part of the exhibition From Karelia Now and Before.


Kyllä, tunnen syntymäsi
Installaatio, video, valokuvia
13.12. – 7.01.2013

Avajaiset keskiviikkona 12.12.2012 18:00–20.00

Anna Puhakan Kyllä, tunnen syntymäsi -näyttely Galleria Jangvassa tämän vuoden joulukuussa on kahden vuoden työn huipentuma ja seuraus viime heinäkuun näyttelylle Karjalasta nyt ja ennen.1

Kuka minä olen? ja Mihin olemme matkalla? ovat pääaiheita, joihin Kyllä, tunnen syntymäsi -näyttely pyrkii vastaamaan. Tämän näyttelyn avulla Puhakka luo uudelleen oman esihistoriansa ja tasapainottaa sen ottamalla kantaa kosmopoliittiseen tilaan, sekä kommentoi samalla omaa eksistentiaalista kriisiään henkilönä, joka ei koskaan ole kunnolla kuulunut mihinkään. Taiteessaan Puhakka palaa esi-isiensä juurille ja käyttää niitä miettiessään rooliaan nykymaailmassa.

Kahden viime vuoden ajan Puhakka on tutkinut vanhaa karjalaista kansanperinnettä ja luonut keinoja tutkia sen olemassaoloa nyky-yhteiskunnassa rituaalien, tarinoiden, musiikin ja tapojen avulla; hän tuo sen nykypäivään käyttäen installaatio- ja mediataidetta. Puhakalla on poikkitaiteellinen lähestymistapa työhönsä ja hänen työnsä sisältää laajasti eri taiteen lajeja, kuten installaatiota, valokuvia, ääntä, performanssia, videota ja tekstiä.

Tämän projektin aikana Puhakka on luonut ääni-installaatioita, videoteoksia, useita performatiivisia valokuvia, lukemattomia tekstejä sekä Ei huvikseen kantele yksin -taideprojektin2 yhteistyössä valokuvaaja Eva-Liisa Orupöldin kanssa. Hänen taiteellinen työnsä, ”Syntysanat”, esiteltiin Portugalin Borders and Borderland: Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Prospects -konferenssissa osana Tuulikki Kurjen presentaatiota, jonka nimi oli Kahden Karjalan runous. Hänen äänityönsä ”Itkuvirsi ukille” kuultiin Nowhereisland -radiokanavalla osana Kulttuuriolympialaisten projekti Nowhereislandia, ja kaksi videotyötä esitetään PNEM Sound Art Festivaalilla 17.–18. marraskuuta 2012 Hollannin Udenissa.

Puhakka (s.1983, Tampere, Suomi) on elänyt puolet elämästään ulkomailla: Yhdysvalloissa, Australiassa, Ranskassa ja Englannissa. Hän valmistui Sunderlandin yliopistosta vuonna 2007 ja on toiminut kansainvälisenä taiteilijana siitä lähtien. Puhakka myös kuratoi ja toimii kuukausittain ilmestyvän luovan taidelehden, HESA inprintin päätoimittajana. Nykyään Puhakka asuu ja työskentelee Helsingissä.

Anna haluaa kiittää Äänellä Itkijöitä heidän tuestaan.

Anna Puhakka
1 Karjalasta Nyt ja Ennen, 1-31.7.2012, Louhitalo, Eno
2 Ei huvikseen kantele yksin: Yhteistyössä Enon koulun 7A-luokan ja Palvelutalo Kotirannan kanssa, osana Karjalasta Nyt ja Ennen -näyttelyä.