Wednesday, 13 February 2013


I've been thinking about innocence. When do we lose it? Do we lose it? Is it like our cells and renews or is it like virginity something that once lost is gone forever?
I have this painting hanging in my kitchen and i have looked at it for over ten years. It used to hang in my parents house and somewhere along the line it became mine. It is almost cubist and depicts women, lots of women or possibly just the many facades of a single lady. I haven't looked at it properly for a long time, but today it struck me possibly more then originally. For me the painting used to be about the color and movement, but today it has eyes, today it has a knowledge. Today it is making me think.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

New Year and new shenanigans

My Karelia project is now finished, at least for the current moment. I think I will let the dust settle for the next few month and then come back to all the material i have gathered, made and found in the past few years of this project. Perhaps i will compile it all and make it in to a book that comes with a dvd. In any case that decision can sleep until the summer is here and I have some perspective.

The decision to put HESA inprint on hold was also made in the new year. We will not be publishing any new work or magazines until June at the very earliest. It has been a hard choice to make but one all three of us agreed was necessary. This in turn has given me some much needed rest and free time to let my creativity mend. I felt by the end of 2012, that I was pushing myself so hard that I could not see the wood for the trees so to speak. I thought I could take a quick break but that is not me and after an agonizing week of boredom i have started up some new projects.

I have decided to try writing my first novel and so far it is going quite well. I am enjoying getting back to writing and researching all sorts of random things from poisons to the circus in the 1800's. I have given myself a target of writing one chapter a week, which seems to suit me. I hope to have a version ready by the end June. Who knows if anyone will ever read it, but I will know I can do it.

The new album by Tristan my band is almost ready. The cover has been shot, the music is ready to go to mastering and we are excited by the process and outcome. You can listen to the music here

I have applied to a few little art things but feel like i need to give myself some time to just make new work for now and concentrate on getting exhibitions etc after that.